Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hair and Sex

Recent advance in the treatment of male pattern baldness have revealed that hair loss in males is directly related to DHT and the amount in your body. It is also an understanding that the production of DHT is related to sex and/or masturbation. With that in mind, does that mean there is a link between hair loss and masturbation?

Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation converts too much testosterone into dihydrotestosterone(DHT). High levels of DHT overload the body causing baldness and possible prostate enlargement if blood circulation is poor in the prostate area. Reducing the frequency of masturbation or ejaculation will help maintain low levels of DHT and avoid hair loss.


Here are steps you can take on top of reducing masturbation frequency:

1. Reduce the intake of hormone-polluted beef and dairy products. Red meat traps too much hormone-polluted blood. Instead, bring more seafood and poultry into your diet.

2. Eat more seeds, nuts, and soybeans, which contain L-arginine (the natural growth-hormone agents) and Isoflavones (the plant estrogen for anti-cancers and tumor hormones and the liver function enhancers), to help cool down the prostate. Shrinking your prostate will have wonderful effects on your body and can aid in stopping a hair loss pattern.

3. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits for more anti-cancerous and tumor plant hormones and anti-oxidants/vitamins/minerals. You can even try taking a multi-vitamin/mineral to get the antioxidant group into your dietary habits. Notable vitamins are C, E, A, and notable herbs that promote blood circulation are ginseng and ginkgo biloba.

4. Participate in more outdoor activities to communicate with nature and exercise more to consume testosterone in the muscles of the body, rather than burn it into DHT. Try jogging or even taking a brisk walk. Any kind of physical activity is much better for your body than sitting around in front of a TV, especially if you don’t normally move around much.
A Japanese study shows grapeseed extract can grow hair for the old bald mice. Also, there are customer feedbacks that state that the product MoodMax works not just for improving sexual health but also to reduce and avoid hair loss. That is because some components in MoodMax remove DHT from tissues to improve recovery time from intercourse. Reducing and avoiding hair loss was just one of the benefits the customer experienced.

Stress is also a source of hair loss and the more you stress about losing hair, the more hair you will lose. Try to eliminate sources of stress in your life. Cut back on masturbation/sexual activity or at least make sure to reduce your ejaculation frequency so your body will be able to replenish itself of the lost nutrients and hormones.


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